Prison Architect


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Did anyone get this game from Steam? Its pretty highly rated (or at least was when I downloaded it, I haven't check into it recently.) The game was enjoyable when I first got it but I haven't played it much recently. There are some cool features on it and a lot of different things you can do. Its a major improvement over any of the "Prison Tycoon" games, with few glitches or other issues.
I love it. It's so easy to pick up and play, and I've definitely dumped a lot of hours into it. I still have a hard time managing bigger prisons, but I think that's just my poor strategy and not a fault of the game.
True that. I almost always start with a reception and holding cell area that everyone goes to first, and try and making branching cells from there. Once I hit about 50 prisoners, no matter how many guards, it just gets out of control.