PS3 Goes 3D


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PlayStation 3 owners with 3D capable televisions can prepare to go to a new dimension.

Sony announced plans to introduce full stereoscopic 3D gaming to its console starting tomorrow in North America. The company already made a similar announcement for European territories.

The first batch of 3D games and demos that will be available for download are: WipEout HD (full game), Super Stardust HD (full game), Pain, MotorStorm Pacific Rift (demo). Those who purchase one of Sony's new 3D capable Bravia HDTVs will receive a voucher code to download these games for free on PlayStation Network.

Additionally, The Fight: Lights Out, a game first shown at the Game Developers Conference this past year that uses the Move controller, will now support 3D.

SCEA president Jack Tretton noted during a press conference held in Los Angeles today that Sony will release 20 games built for 3D over the next year.

Sony also said 3D Blu-ray movie playback is coming to the PS3 this year through a new firmware update.


unless you got money to kick around then you don't have a 3D tv.
I'll stick with the Blue and Red 3D glasses. I think some DVDS include 3D glasses for watching on a regular TV, and they work.