PS3 HD Via HDMI Only


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An alleged internal GameStop memo leaked to the site by an unnamed source suggests that the newest PlayStation 3 hardware will remove high-definition support over component cables and instead require users to use an HDMI connection. The memo identifies the new hardware as "PS3 K chassis," which could potentially be the North American equivalent of the revised models reportedly being released in Japan, which were said to lessen power consumption and add new security measures for Blu-ray playback.

If true, both games and Blu-ray discs will only be viewable in high-definition when used with an HDMI cable.

Why would Sony suddenly drop component HD support now?

Users on the popular gaming forum, NeoGaf, suggest it could be a result of a recent mandate made by the Advanced Access Content System (AACS), the consortium that administrates the copyright protections standards used for Blu-ray discs.

The most recent version of the AACS' Adopter Agreement requires any officially licensed Blu-ray player manufactured after December 31, 2010 must limit HD support to digital output only. While component output can still be used, it would only be allowed to output standard definition 480i signals.

Interestingly, the AACS also requires licensees (i.e. Blu-ray player manufacturers) to cease support for analog video output of any kind by December 31, 2013. In other words, component, S-video, and composite video support will be eliminated entirely within the next two years. Obviously the standardization of HDMI connectivity on most or all recent audio/visual products will limit the impact for users, but it's an interesting turn of events nonetheless.


don't affect me, but they better supply HDMI cables in the PS3 package!
Indeed, using HDMI is best for convenience, but for people with older HDTV without HDMI this would stink. I bet Nyko, or MadCatz will come out with a HDMI to Component HD video cable or converter box soon.

For most people, the video quality difference between Component and HDMI video is not very noticeable at all since they are both HD, so the video quality would be good for both types of cables.

This news is kind of disappointing for people who don't have many empty HDMI ports on their HDTV, but lots of empty HD Component cable ports.

The sound might be better over HDMI, but if the user uses a S/PDIF digital optical cable for their Playstation 3 to hook up to a surround sound system the sound would be better then the built-in sound in video.

A lot of older HDTV also have VGA, and there are HDMI to VGA converters for people with older HDTV, or monitors.

I think this will also affect people who use Component video to record their video game play to put onto YouTube with a Video capture card with component videoinput.

From what I know, there is no cheap way to record high quality video with HDMI, but with component video all you need is a Component video capture card to record High Quality HD or EDTV 480P video.

You can use the Roxio Game Capture Device to use a Windows computer to capture your gameplay video via component video.


Good news, good news: Turns out that leaked GameStop memo about the new PS3 was real, but it was also wrong.

While Sony is indeed quietly rolling out a new PS3 model (it's called the CECH-3000 series), that model won't force you to use HDMI out to play video games in HD. HDMI will only be required if you want to watch movies in HD.

The change appears to be driven by the AACS Final Adopter Agreement that limits how a Blu-ray signal can get to a television.

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I think they did this to prevent pirating of Blu-Rays via Component Cable since it is very easy to use Component Cables connected to a DVR to record HD video by component.
You can get a HDMI cable for under 10 dollars from, or eBay. I think you got ripped off as well.
If you buy BestBuy's Store brand which is Dynex Branded HDMI cable, they only cost about 10 dollars and more depending on length. The generic HDMI cable brands at Best Buy are becoming more reasonable, but the brand names like Monster, etc are still very expensive.
Best Buy is still cheap. I paid $40 for my 3D HDMI cable, gold tipped by the way. Other cables there were around $10-20. Your Best Buy sucks. :P