While hardware adoption was down across all platforms, the PS3 game's release helped Sony's ageing console overtake PS4 and Wii U thanks to a smaller decline in weekly sales.
Weekly hardware sales (previous week)
3DS - 23.600 (35.943)
Vita - 13.865 (18.494) PS3 - 7.339 (7.684)
PS4 - 6.792 (8.480)
Wii U - 6.716 (7.613)
PSP - 1.642 (2.022)
Xbox 360 - 201 (233)
I think the reason the PS3 is doing so well is because it has more games for it, and it is also cheaper. It's amazing that the PSP is still the 6th most sold console in Japan.
I bet, when Mario Kart, and Smash Bros are release for the Wii U, the Wii U will outsell both the PS4, PS3, and maybe even the Vita, and 3DS depending on how many Mario Kart and Smash Bro fans there are in Japan.
The Vita TV id not on the list, so it looks like the Xbox 360 maybe outselling the Vita TV.
I think the Vita is doing so well in Japan because it has JRPGs, and Japanese games which the Japanese likes to play instead of just mainly shooters, Action, and sports games which are probably less popular in Japan.
I'm surprise the Xbox 360 is still able to sell 201 consoles a week to be on the list of most sold consoles in Japan since I thought the Vita TV, and Wii will sell more than the 360.
I agree, if there are more JRPG, and other types of Japanese, and Asian-themed games more people will get a Vita in the US, and other countries because JRPG, Japanese games, and Asian-themed games are one of the reason many people buy consoles to play Japanese and Asian games.
I bet if the PS4 had more JRPG release for it sooner, the PS4 will sell better in Japan, and other countries with many JRPG fans. I read in the comment section of blogs that there are not a lot of Japanese games for the PS4, so a lot of Japanese are not buying the PS4 because they are waiting for more Japanese games to be released.
Rather surprised about the Vita as well. I guess it's only stateside where it's failing.
That said though, it doesn't surprise me that the PS3 outsold the PS4 and Wii U. The PS3 is still churning out great games and has a well-established library. If anything, it'll probably go on like the PS2 did for so many years.
I agree with the original poster since the price of a PS4 is way too high. I am personally going to wait a couple of months for its price to come down a little bit before even thinking of buying it. In my opinion PS3 has a wider selection of games and game prices are decent.
Some Japanese maybe waiting for the Xbox One to be release until they decide if they want to get a PS4, Wii U, or Xbox One, and which consoles have the most games which they are interested in.
Puzzle games, RPGs, horse racing games, and Dating simulator games are also pretty popular in Japan, so the console with many of these types of games will probably sell the best.
First Person Shooters, Sports Game, and Car racing simulator games are not as hugely popular in Japan like in North America, and Europe.
I know alot of people who are just now buying their PS3. I tend to agree that this has to do with the cheaper price, and larger game library. Overall it is a good thing for people who can't currently afford the next gen to have more people on their last gen consoles.
I'm not surprised the PS3 is doing better because it has much more games for it while the PS4 has so few as of now. Also, the PS3 has had years of existence going for it while the PS4 is relatively new so I'm sure people are still waiting a bit more before they adopt it.
Like most of you, I'm surprised by the Vita as well. Looks like the Wii U is doing o-k in Japan.
I do wish more of those JRPGs were coming to the west as that's the genre I really grew up playing.
Tempted to jump on the PS3 band wagon myself, but waiting for a sale as well.