PS4 Coming?


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Sony has made announcement across social sites across the net saying one thing, on Feb 20th 2013, they will announce the future of Playstation. What this is? PS4? Next handheld? Something else? Wait to find out or get a time machine.

I think it is not PS4.. Some other additional item for PS3 may be.
Could the announcement be a new motion controller to compete better with the Kinect which is a lot more popular or about Gaikai which is a Cloud gaming service which Sony bought in 2012, but did not do much with?
Could the announcement be a new motion controller to compete better with the Kinect which is a lot more popular or about Gaikai which is a Cloud gaming service which Sony bought in 2012, but did not do much with?

not sure if it would look so good for sony if they abandon their move controller.
Maybe they are coming out with a better webcam needed for the Move controller which currently uses the Sony Eyetoy which is not as good as the webcam and motion tracking which is found on the Kinect which can move up and down with motors and track people's movement without a person needing to hold a controller.

It could be a new controller for the PS3 because it shows the Triangle, square, circle, and X controller button symbols which are found on the PS3 controller.
There are a few games that support the move... ( 110 according to Wikipedia )

Though I can't see them releasing a new move or attachment.

And I highly doubt they're going to abandon the Vita right now, if anything they've yet to even really take off with it. (Give it another 6 months and there'll be more games for it so sales will start to improve. Because Sony may have slow starts, but they tend to look for the long term. So the Vita will probably have a life cycle of 6-7 years... So in about 2018-2019 it's replacement will be out and we'll probably be having a similar sort of conversation then too.)

If anything, I sort of hope it's a trailer for infamous 3. (I mean the PS4 is interesting, but I would think they'd want to save the PS4 for E3.)