PS4 in Development


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The successor to the PlayStation 3 is currently in development, Sony confirmed during the company's investor meeting today.

Executive vice president and chief financial officer Masaru Kato was asked to explain the rising research and development costs for the company's fiscal year. "In the game segment, we have the NGP to launch later this year. So we have development expenses to be incurred for this product," he explained.

"For the home console, the PS3 still has a product life, but this is a platform business, so for the future platform - when we will introduce the product I cannot discuss - but development work is underway, so the costs are incurred there."

Nintendo recently announced plans to reveal its new console at E3 next month, with a full product release in 2012. Meanwhile, Microsoft began hiring for its "next generation console" this past March.


hahahaha, I freaking called it. Sony said a month or two ago saying they weren't thinking about the PS4 and I called BS on that. and I was right!
Christ sakes. Just because the other companies are releasing another new console. I bet that if Microsoft hadn't announced it was hiring staff for a new project then Sony would have not made this announcement.
This has nothing to do with Nintendo. They do copy Nintendo but only to capitalise on its success. They don't view the company as a threat because most people who buy PS3 or xbox will also buy a wii. They aren;t going to lose sales to Nintendo, only share them. They view Microsoft as the threat and it was only after Microsoft's recent announcement that they started singing a new tune.
I doubt they will announce it until next E3, and in what way are they copying Nintendo? Is releasing a console copying Nintendo? By that logic, Nintendo copied the PS2 with the GameCube then.
I doubt they will announce it until next E3, and in what way are they copying Nintendo? Is releasing a console copying Nintendo? By that logic, Nintendo copied the PS2 with the GameCube then.

I believe Reicha7 is referring to the 3D and motion controllers that Nintendo set out. and it will be several E3's before we hear of PS4.
I believe Reicha7 is referring to the 3D and motion controllers that Nintendo set out. and it will be several E3's before we hear of PS4.
...Nintendo? 3D? 3DS was official after 3D TV's, which Sony jumped the gun on first. And Nintendo doesn't have to be the only game company with motion controls.
...Nintendo? 3D? 3DS was official after 3D TV's, which Sony jumped the gun on first. And Nintendo doesn't have to be the only game company with motion controls.

technically nintendo brought out true 3D without the need of glasses, and unless there is evidence that sony or MS was working on motion controllers before the Wii, then they had to follow after nintendo and quick and do pretty much what they did.
Sony and Microsoft were clearly trying to capitalise on Nintendo's success with motion controls. The main reason we can assume that is that they brought out the same style of games as the Wii did, like sports and party games focusing on motion controls in an effort to try and make PS3 a family console like the Wii and help pull profits. Problem is, the people who want those games already have a Wii and are not going to bother forking out the extra money for an HD motion control experience they could easily get on the Wii without the faffing around with peripherals. 3D is a tricky one really. It is impossible to tell who really started that first. I have reason to believe it was Sony because James Cameron announced he was working in partnership with Ubisoft and Sony to create a 3D version of the Avatar video game. This was back before the film was even released mind. Back before the 3D firmware update was announced.

You are right though GracefulAssassin, Nintendo doesn't need to be the only company with motion control. The problem is, the motion control brought out after it really didn't push any innovation windows in terms of design and all it really did was create a slightly refined version of the Wii but one requiring peripherals and as such creating the dilemma for developers starting new games as to whether design for controller of motion controls. That is a BIG decision and if they make the wrong one it could ruin them. The Wii has the added advantage of having motion controls as an integral part of the system so dev's are forced to work with motion controls while companies working for Sony are afraid to take risks with motion control so just chuck in a couple of optional motion control gimmicks into their games in order to showcase the tech and maintain a health relationship with Sony i.e. What Killzone 3 did with its motion control.
Good points, but I just wanted to add the EyeToy was Sony's beta motion control before any other company made/announced motion controls. Also, the Move, the concept to be exact, has been around since 2001. If anything, Nintendo copied Sony. :P Either way, analog for the win, and glasses less 3D is far more annoying than with glasses.
Seems like there has been motion controllers well before this gen, oh yeah, the power glove was suppose to be like that.
Now back to the topic, ether they started to hurt with the quake and hackers that they had to rush(I've heard the new one called PS3.5)
Or they have been working on this for a few months/over a year. But really all that talk from MS and Sony about how they had around 5 years left was stupid
seeing how much tech has changed since they released this gens systems what with how fast things are and cheaper.
It would be strange if the PS4 can't play PS3 games, but you'll never know. They could switch to a new kind of disc or cartridge which is even better then Blu-Ray which is not compatible with PS3 disc, or the operating system for the PS4 can not play PS3 games easily like how newer PS3s are not backwards compatible with PS2 games.