PS4 the fastest selling console


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As pointed out by inside gaming daily, truly impressive. Can Xbox one match?
Most likely, the long wait between the PS3 and PS4 from 2006-2013 made a lot of PS fans more likely to buy a new PS4 because of having a huge desire to play a new console like how the millions of Windows XP and Vista users bought Windows 7 computers after years of waiting for a new operating system which is reliable, and faster unlike Vista.

I think the Xbox One may sell as many consoles from early buyers who are waiting for a new Xbox since 2005-2013 since there are millions of people who spend money to have the latest consoles, and a lot of the early buyers may buy both a PS4 and Xbox One to play exclusive games on both consoles in 2013-2014.
GracefulAssassin said:
Yeah! Now if I could only find myself one.
Yeah all the stores around me of course are sold out.  This doesn't surprise me with the hype surrounding the PS4 launch ever since E3.  

I have no choice but to wait anyway for money sakes.   

Xbox one seems to be popular , but not as popular, it'll be close one.  This console generation jump has been soft, with not much innovation (in my opinion) besides a better graphics card.   Both the consoles are pretty evenly matched in terms of what they can do.