PlayStation PS5 30th Anniversary Themes Leaving


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Taking to Twitter, Sony has confirmed that the PlayStation 30th Anniversary themes are being removed on Friday, January 31. This is undoubtedly sad news for PlayStation fans, but on the bright side, the company has acknowledged the positive response to the themes and is "doing some work behind the scenes" to bring them back "in the months ahead." It's unclear if the themes will be permanent when they return, but it does seem like Sony is at least listening to the fan demand for the Anniversary themes.
So I haven't had any issues with them but someone said the dashboard was a bit slow with the themes so maybe they're removing them to fix that issue. Either that or they're finding a way to charge for it because it makes no sense to remove something people love and bring it back later
I had no issues when the themes were up and running
I had the PS1 theme too. GIMME.