PSH Hacked!


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Just as with the PSP, hackers have, well, hacked Home and apparently decrypted Home's beta client. Because of hacker StreetskaterFU's handiwork, approximately 9000 unencrypted files available for someone's viewing pleasure. As website PS3HaX points out: "These files can help us better understand PS3 games and the PS3 network structure." This is backend stuff, but the hack lays the ground work for exploits like possible ways to take advantage of the in-game XMB and maybe one day offers the ability to enable homebrew applications and game backups sans hard drive swapping.


I said it once, I'll say it again! Bow down before hackers!
see why you dont go fucking trolling around and pissing off a hacker?
They will eat your soul.
I'm afraid someone hack a large number of PS3 and secretely use the power of the PS3 to send spam, and viruses.
Yes, I agree people who don't really play video games will hack it since if I had a PS3 I probably be so addicted to some of the games. I just play on it all day and not think about hacking stuff.
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ November 11, 2008 06:17 pm) QUOTE (timster0 @ November 11, 2008 03:37 pm) There are some people that downright HATE PS3's and bash them whenever they can.
I only hate the PS3 because of it's price.
I agree I hate a lot of consoles because of the price. I also hate that some games are kind of expensive, and are not very fun.