PSN and Microsoft Points equivalents


Xbox 360
I have a question (sticks up hand).

I've been trying to figure out how someone might decide what is the equivalent between PSN cards and Microsoft Point Cards. Is it basically the cost that it is in the shops?
It's difficult because places like Amazon sell them on the marketplace as well so people sell them a varying prices.

So the typical Microsoft Point cards are:

800 = £7
1200 = £13
2100 = £17
4200 = £35

Now with PSN cards i've seen:


So if you're going by price then the 2100 Microsoft Points card equivalent is £16 PSN card? And the 4200 Microsoft Points card equivalent is the £35 PSN card?

Is this right, or is there a different way of working out their equivalents?
This should be in ther general gaming board.

And I think it's just up to the game company what is fair in price.
PSN is monetary value and my first post is your answer. It's up to the companies. MS could easily have sold 200 points for $20.

As such there is no equivalent since each company does it in their own way.
Ok let me put it another bloody way, it's a simple question. Nothing about the companies!

If you have two people, A and B.
A has Xbox 360
B has PS3

You want to get them both Cards for their consoles, but you want to be fair and try not to give one more value than the other.

How do YOU work out the equivalent? Clearer?
Still comes down to company pricing,

PSN+ 3 months:


Gold live 3 months:


Simply put, there is no equivalent as far as pricing is concerned.