PSN Releases And The Growing Popularity of Digital Games


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Digital game releases are attracting more and more players as each day passes. The inherent advantages of games in the digital format obtainable from stores like Sony's PSN or Nintendo's eShop, namely the ease and immediacy of access as well as the price reductions, are effectively conquering the public.

At least this is what was proven by the operation conducted by the PlayStation Store during this gaming season. Indeed, a wide range of games oriented towards the science-fiction genre benefited from discounts going up to 75%. Notable titles that will interest the most advanced and new players alike include Far Cry Blood Dragon, and the HD remake of the highly acclaimed Beyond Good and Evil. Recent PSN releases such as the dreamlike "Rain", the DLC of "The Last of US" and the recent addition to the Arkham Saga: Batman Arkham Origins, further highlight these advantages.

How about you? Are you riding the wave of digital releases or are you sticking to the traditional physical copies?
I like to own my game, so I can do whatever I want with it. I might embrace digital game buying if you can trade/sell the game and be able to download it in a shorter amount of time then it takes going to the store and back.
I like digital downloads more, it allows me to get games faster and easier. I will most likely be buying all digital downloads on the PS4 when I get it.
MoneyBox said:
I like digital downloads more, it allows me to get games faster and easier. I will most likely be buying all digital downloads on the PS4 when I get it.
whats your internet connection? Mine is pretty good, but it would be quicker for me to go to a store and get the game which takes about 30-40 mins.
Instead of buying the new Call Of Duty at the store i decided to download it from the Playstation Store, it honestly runs so much smoother.
I like to own my games and physically have them. I don't like paying for downloads because what if you don't want the game anymore? You're stuck with it and you can't sell it.