According to a report from Dainik Jagaran, a PUBG Mobile-related incident of violence surfaced online. Taking a closer look at the report, a college student from Jalandhar shot himself after a fight with his family. The student took this extreme measure after his father snatched his smartphone stopping him from playing the game. As per the report, the father-son duo had multiple fights over playing the popular battle royale game in the past.
The report outlined that the father was concerned regarding the academic performance of his son. Further, the information notes that the student took his fathers’ licensed revolver to go ahead with the unthinkable. It is worth noting that the report provides conflicting information regarding the deceased along with some details of the incident.
This is why is wanted PUBGM to be banned in India and yet we fail again
The report outlined that the father was concerned regarding the academic performance of his son. Further, the information notes that the student took his fathers’ licensed revolver to go ahead with the unthinkable. It is worth noting that the report provides conflicting information regarding the deceased along with some details of the incident.
This is why is wanted PUBGM to be banned in India and yet we fail again