Publishers decide whether to require PS Plus subscription for F2P games on PS4


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As the title says :)

The free-to-play MMOs DC Universe Online and PlanetSide 2 won't require PlayStation 4 users to subscribe to PlayStation Plus in order to play them, publisher Sony Online Entertainment confirmed to Polygon today.
Sony announced during its E3 press briefing Monday evening that online multiplayer gaming on PS4 will require a Plus subscription, which costs $9.99 per month, $17.99 for three months or $49.99 for 12 months.
But in an interview on the E3 show floor, DC Universe Online creative director Jens Andersen said, "We are a free-to-play game; you do not have to pay for PlayStation Plus to play [DC Universe Online]." He added that PS4 players will be able to play with their PlayStation 3-owning friends, since both versions of the game will share servers. DC Universe Online became a free-to-play title in November 2011.

A representative for Sony Online Entertainment said that the same is true for PlanetSide 2. The company said last week that both games are on their way to PS4 this year.
Personally, I'm planning on having PS+, but this is good news :)
That is really cool news, and hopefully more F2P developers are planning to do the same. Having to subscribe to PS+ seems to be one of the very few complaints I have heard regarding the PS4, but the less restrictive the paywall, the better it is for gamers on a tight budget.  Planetside 2 is a tremendous amount of fun, and looks great on the PC.   I wonder if Team Fortress 2 will make it's way onto the next gen consoles? The PS4 could use a great hat collecting game.
I'd like to avoid paying subscription fees, so this is great news for me. And it shows that sony isn't going to force all their consumers to get ps+ if they want to use their machine for any games.
This does make sense. It would be weird for games that thrive off of being free-to-play to require you to pay for the use of the online services. Good call here.
I've played Planetside 2 for a while back around Christmas and thought it was quite enjoyable. Not the kind of game I'd really want to play on a console though personally.