Multi Puzzle Bobble Ports Coming for Taito 70th Anniversary


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Revealed in the trailer above, Puzzle Bobble 2X & Puzzle Bobble 3 S-Tribute will be coming to various consoles as part of a collection that offers both arcade and console versions of Puzzle Bobble 2 and 3—just in time for Taito's 70th anniversary. Additionally, the option to rewind, slow, quick save and quick load, and play with unlimited credits will be available when playing via S-Tribute. Both games will also come with respective modes which will add variety to the gameplay such as Challenge Mode and Collection Mode just to name a few. This Puzzle Bobble collection will also come with its English versions which went by a different name, Bust-A-Move, in the west.
I feel like with the Saturn port I feel like it won't be as good. I've heard the port for Cotton Boomerang and 2 weren't as good with the latency being an issue. But with this being a puzzle game without online play that doesn't look like an issue.
I'm all over this providing it gets released on the Switch. I'm a massive fan of Puzzle Bobble! :grin:
I remember playing Puzzle Bobble many years ago, and having a fun time playing it. I'm glad it will be re-release in for Taito 70th Anniversary.