Q&A Rules

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Full GL Member
As you can see, this board is called Q&A, which stands for Question and Answers. As you may have also guessed, this is a place for asking questions, and getting answers! Or, answering questions for other members! But like all good things in life, there are a few little guidelines we'd appreciated if you could follow in order to ensure everybody is happy, and that people are able to help you with your dilemmas!

What Questions Can I Ask?
Game related questions, preferably!

All jokes aside, you can ask questions for games from any console, and any genre (excluding any games that would violate our guidelines regarding illegal/explicit content).

It doesn't matter if it's from Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo NES, or even PlayStation, all questions are welcome.

One thing to remember is to check if your question has already been asked. If repeat questions are found, they will be locked and a link to the original question will be posted inside that topic.

What Do I Need To Do When Asking A Question?
There's no set layout. We aren't picky. But we do expect a few things from every topic:
  • A clear and concise topic title
  • A well structured question
  • Specifying the game, platform and any other details
These three are explained in more detail below as separate sections. Read on if you want to know more.

What Do I Need In The Topic Title?
So long as you have the game that you need help with in the title, it should be good. If it's possible to add the problem you're having along with the game without the title getting too long, that's great as well.

Examples include:

"Help on 3D Classics: Kid Icarus", or "Help on 3D Classics: Kid Icarus - First Fortress Level"

(Examples above are based on an actual topic that's already been posted)

What Makes A Well Structured Question?
Anything that can clearly state your problem, why you are having trouble, and what you have done to try and get around it.

Tell us exactly where in the level you are (screenshots are great if you can get them, or even diagrams). Tell us what you've done and why it hasn't worked (e.g. I tried to jump the wall but couldn't reach, and I can't get around).

There really isn't much to it. The better your question is in terms of detail, the easier it is to answer.

What Specific Details Do I Need Again?
Just a few things:
  • The console (e.g. Nintendo Wii)
  • The game (e.g. Mario Kart Wii)
  • The problem (e.g. cannot unlock Funky Kong after trying everything)
  • Any game-related settings/modes that may relate to your problem

What Happens When My Question Has Been Answered?
Your question topic will be locked, but will remain for reference.

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]If you have any questions, send me a PM and I'll amend this little question topic![/font]
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