Queen Elizabeth Got The Covid


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Read from CNN:

The 95-year-old sovereign -- who is celebrating her 70th year on the throne -- is experiencing mild cold-like symptoms but expects to continue light duties at Windsor over the coming week, the palace said.
"She will continue to receive medical attention and will follow all appropriate guidelines," it added.

UK media have reported that the Queen is fully vaccinated. Buckingham Palace previously confirmed both the monarch and her late husband, Prince Philip, had received their first doses of a Covid-19 vaccine in January 2021. But the palace has declined to reveal any information about subsequent vaccinations, citing medical privacy.

The Queen is not the only person in her circle to test positive for Covid-19, a royal source said on Sunday.

"A number of cases have been diagnosed in the Windsor Castle team," the source told CNN, without specifying who else had tested positive.
The Queen's health has been closely scrutinized since late last year when she retreated from public events on advice from doctors to rest after an overnight hospital stay for an undisclosed reason. Fresh concern was renewed in the past few days as multiple family members self-isolated after testing positive for the virus.

Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, tested positive for Covid-19 for a second time 10 days ago while his wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, confirmed she too had the virus on Monday.
A royal source confirmed at the time that the Queen had "recently" met her eldest son, but the source did not elaborate on exactly when the interaction had taken place.
Gosh, I hope she pulls through ok. I don't wish COVID on any elderly.

At this point I've accepted that I'm going to test positive some day. I've been able to dodge it so far.
I think she got a later variant that isn't as severe by the sound of it and she's going to get out of it fine and she can quarantine pretty easily since she has a whole castle.
I think she got a later variant that isn't as severe by the sound of it and she's going to get out of it fine and she can quarantine pretty easily since she has a whole castle.
Which to a degree is very lucky because it would be sad if she got a more aggressive variant.
Read an update from CNN:

Queen Elizabeth II's health is a big talking point right now, not just because she is elderly but also because Buckingham Palace is releasing so little information about it.
So we thought we'd spend this week's edition answering your biggest questions and concerns.

Yes, she is still recovering from Covid-19.

Last Sunday, the palace announced the 95-year old monarch had tested positive for Covid that same day and was experiencing "mild, cold-like symptoms." It confirmed she was receiving "medical attention" and a royal source added that there had been an outbreak of the virus among Her Majesty's team at Windsor.

It was made clear though that she was not out of action, as the statement added that she "expects to continue light duties at Windsor over the coming week."

What are "light duties?"

This is a relatively new term that we are still getting used to, but our sense is that it means paperwork. Mentioning it reassures us that she is still well enough to work on the most important matters of state, such as signing off on new laws.
She also found time to send a letter of congratulations to the British Olympic team in the week and offer condolences to the people of Brazil following the devastating floods in Petrópolis.

The Queen during her last in-person engagement, days before she tested positive for coronavirus

But didn't she have to cancel her meetings?

She canceled her weekly in-person audience with the Prime Minister on Wednesday but that's because it would have broken Covid regulations at the time, which still required her to isolate. The Queen had a call with Boris Johnson instead.

On Tuesday, she postponed an unspecified number of video calls as she continued to experience symptoms and a source told CNN that they would decide on upcoming engagements nearer the time. She also canceled her video calls Thursday but we are told they are being rescheduled
Why can't she do video calls?

It may simply be because she doesn't want to appear on camera when she feels unwell, but it also meant we weren't able to see her for ourselves for the whole week.

Why is the palace being so secretive?

It wouldn't accept that it is being secretive. Aides agree the public has a right to updates on their head of state but they also refuse to give a "running commentary" on her medical condition. That's because they believe the family has the same right to patient confidentiality that the rest of us have.

Would they tell us if it got serious?

Well, the palace didn't tell us when she was admitted to hospital last year until it was leaked to the media and even then, it wouldn't specify what she was admitted for.
Our reading of that incident was that if there had been a procedure of some sort then we would have been informed as that was the general rule courtiers had for updates on Prince Philip's hospital visits.

If it got really serious and the Queen became incapacitated temporarily, we suspect we won't be told anything until the family and the Prime Minister were informed and a formal announcement is made about who will be acting on her behalf.

Is Covid her only health issue?

No. She also has some sort of mobility issue. At her last in-person audience with senior members of the military, she joked with them that she couldn't move. CNN was told that was probably more to do with feeling stiff rather than an injury or other ailment. It would be more surprising if she didn't feel creaky sometimes given that she's approaching her 96th birthday in April. This week can't have been comfortable for her when she couldn't move around properly and felt like she had a cold. At least she's out of isolation now, or we assume so as the isolation rules were scrapped in England on Thursday.

All this is a reminder that Elizabeth isn't superhuman, and instances like this prompt the public to worry. The palace is constantly trying to balance the public's right to updates on a publicly-funded monarch with her desire for some privacy.
It's been a bit quiet on the covid situation tbh, not sure if that's a good thing or not.
Would be a much bigger story had the Russia/Ukraine Situation not been taking up all of the news.
So any update on her health?

Read this, sounds like she's alright:

But a palace statement indicated she was now well enough to hold virtual engagements, hosting the new ambassadors of Andorra and Chad from her home at Windsor Castle.

The queen last week cancelled similar scheduled engagements with new ambassadors as she was suffering from what were described as "mild" Covid symptoms.

A diplomatic reception she was also due to attend on Wednesday this week was cancelled on the advice of Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Buckingham Palace has said it will not give a running commentary on the head of state's health, but news that she is undertaking duties again will be seen as a positive.

During a walkabout on a visit to Southend-on-Sea, east of London, a member of the public asked Charles about his mother's health.

"He said, 'she's a lot better now -- it was very mild'," admin worker Janice Jacom, 64, told reporters afterwards.
Well, I think everyone's been a bit quiet on the Covid thing because of the whole situation going on in Ukraine at the moment.

Plus, I think that everybody has had the Covid by now so it's nothing new.