Hey guys look up rule 17! Rule 17: dont argue with trolls. that just makes them win!
Thats just for you TUK
Meh! Searching all around for stupid/funny things you do is not an easy task
Taken from a 3DS vs. Vita "Debate" started by Moclon. I found this post quite humorous![font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Drinking game: Take a shot every time Moclon says "fuck" or one of its variants![/font]
I found his response funny because of homer lolThank you for your contribution to the topic!
This is quickly becoming a thread of cop-outs.I found his response funny because of homer lolThank you for your contribution to the topic!
To find a Zexis Quote one needs only to look on the most liked content page.[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Brothes"...brothes....OHHH, you mean [/font]brothels[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]?[/font]
[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Well, they aren't always the cleanest of places but they certainly have their...uh...merits.[/font]
Why's it a cop-out? I followed the rules. He was above me,and I quoted what I thought was funny and he was apart of itThis is quickly becoming a thread of cop-outs.I found his response funny because of homer lolThank you for your contribution to the topic!
But the joke is in that I did...and am doing...the same thingWhy's it a cop-out? I followed the rules. He was above me,and I quoted what I thought was funny and he was apart of itThis is quickly becoming a thread of cop-outs.I found his response funny because of homer lolThank you for your contribution to the topic!
You can't just post pictures of NDan and pass them off as your ownWahahaha!
I'm only joking.
heh, niceIf I was Neil Armstrong and I was dying and I was involved in a fake moon landing my last words before I died would probably be "The moon landing was fake LOL".
Funny because he's kirby_z. Does he ever say anything that isn't funny?Favorite post? The heck is there a way to save those? Great, we now can be more girly and keep a diary.I approve of this thread.
I might just have to go through my saved images/favorited posts and contribute.