Radioactive Milk Jug?


What do you guys make of this?

Description from the Youtube page:
"My brother took a video on his iTouch of an empty milk jug making...weird sounds. All audio in this video is coming from the jug! What do you guys think?...sounds to me like a Geiger Counter going off around radiation."
why is rickroll'd in the related videos?
I was wondering the same thing, to be honest :/ But I think I know how to fix that...
Heh, it's possessed. *Shifty eyes*

I would've hated if there was a "Scream" thing at the end. I had my volume high and was focusing on it a good bit amount.
Heh, it's possessed. *Shifty eyes*

I would've hated if there was a "Scream" thing at the end. I had my volume high and was focusing on it a good bit amount.
*points to this post* No screaming and no other obnoxious memes, people. SMF will attest to that
Just a rather odd milk jug.
Heh, it's possessed. *Shifty eyes*

I would've hated if there was a "Scream" thing at the end. I had my volume high and was focusing on it a good bit amount.
*points to this post* No screaming and no other obnoxious memes, people. SMF will attest to that
Just a rather odd milk jug.

I better not have given you an idea. *Shifty eyes*
Wild Ditto used Transform!

The Trainer hurt himself in the confusion.......

Lame Pokemon jokes aside, what the heck was in there? A solidified blob of milk making scratching noise because it wants out for world domination?

I personally never got to playing it, but have a lot of steam friends who did. The acronym is near the end of the brief summary before wikipedia starts listing categories.