Rage Quit


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How often has anyone here rage quit? Was there any controller or tv casualties in the rage?
I do not rage quit per say but I do get frustrated and turn the game off as soon as I can save. This usually only happens when I am stuck on one puzzle for one or more hours. There has never been any controller or tv casualties though. There has really never been any true rage or anger with me though...
I have never done it. I just turn off the tv as soon as possible when things doesn't go too well. I wish everyone could do that. I don't get mad outside of games either.
Haha I have rage quit before. Well, not quit completely, just got to the point of rage and stopped playing, then resumed later. Never any controller or TV casualties though, I never do that because that's stupid. But I do swear a lot!!!
I will admit that I have rage quit before much to the surprise of my brother and friend lol. I got so angry when playing an online game of Call of Duty once that I rage quit and my language was not to be repeated on here :/ never taken it out on the TV before though however I have thrown my controller in rage usually only a soft landing though.
I've only ever rage quit once. 

I was playing Battlefield 3 on PS3. I was playing with randoms on Seine Crossing as the US in Conquest. It was a 500% match so it was like 1000 points per side. I had joined the game late, after it had already gotten started. And for anyone who's familiar with that map, it has several really good spots overlooking the US spawn point for people to camp in. Which was exactly what happened. A team of snipers started camping up in the building and picking people off as they spawned back in. 

Invariably someone would make it to the tank and take a couple shots at them, but where they were in the building meant that most shots when right over them and hit behind them so it didn't do anything to them. And most people didn't have guided rockets. (Not that it'd have mattered since every so often a group would show up and launch RPGs at the tanks to kill them.) 

It was going on 30 minutes of this slaughter and I was just getting tired of being killed inside my own base before I could even really move. (I'd spawn in and, more often than not, get killed before I could even make it outside my base, let alone to a cover spot inside my base.) I must have had 50 deaths in that game before I quit.

It was infuriatingly cheap match. So I quit.
Demon_Skeith said:
I've raged quit a few times, but mostly because I'm getting killed and not do a thing about it. I respawn, I die. I respawn, I die. Not one bullet or punch thrown......
Oh when I get in that situation that really annoys me and the amount of times I have rage quit because of that is unbelievable, spawn camping is one of the worst situations to be in and it happens all to frequently on Call of Duty Black Ops 2 especially on Nuketown 2025 during double XP and the worst thing is your team mates always do the same thing over and over resulting in the same death each time instead of thinking to go another way and try and fight back.
I don't rage quit much with single player games. For Call of Duty games (multiplayer), it's a different story.

Let's say my ENTIRE team camps in ONE house and an enemy enters, kills everyone, gets a loadstar or a Vtol warship and BAM. Massive destruction! >_
It's why I hate nuketown. so many corners and little spaces that campers can hide. And don't get me started on snipers, was playing a round tonight which a sniper was laying in the back yard and I kept getting forced into his line of fire.
Demon_Skeith said:
It's why I hate nuketown. so many corners and little spaces that campers can hide. And don't get me started on snipers, was playing a round tonight which a sniper was laying in the back yard and I kept getting forced into his line of fire.
The people who camp in their spawn do not know the enemy can spawn-trap 'em in Nuketown. I hate it when that happens. As for camping in Nuketown, the corners of houses are good places to camp, >_
I got spawned trapped once in Crysis 3 single player campaign. Took me a number of attempts to figure out exactly how i could get out of it and a few of the time I just had to watch what happens to identify what moves I had to make.