Raiding Company trailer for Ouya


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Raiding Company is a classic co-op multiplayer arcade shooter game that features six characters and five missions in Egypt. Special Survival and Defense game modes provide endless fun! Are you ready to raid with friends?
Raiding Company looks like a fun 3rd-party 3D multiplayer shooter game for Ouya. I like the graphics, and different weapons in this game.
Hmm, I don't like the straight top-down view, I think even an angle would have been better, but I understand they have limitations.
I think it maybe easier to see the most enemies at once in the straight top-down view compared to angled or horizontal view. This game looks like a faster pace game, so straight top-down view maybe best for quickly shooting as many enemies as possible to stay alive while also picking up ammo, and coins.

Maybe the game maker can make a zoom in, or angle feature if they have as much demand for the view.