Rare was going to make another Banjo Kazooie game?


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Not a purely vehicle based one either, a hybrid platformer/vehicle game which took place after Nuts and Bolts and had players travelling through interesting worlds and looking for Jiggies. Here's an interesting page about it:



Unfortunately, their new plan involved basing actions on Kinect and actual motions. Which considering the stuff you were asked to do in game, would probably make playing the game look absolutely ridiculous. Still, there was apparently a traditional control scheme that could be used instead.

But damn, the game sounds actually kind of interesting. Using vehicles instead of transformations rather than as a replacement for platforming? Neat. Having the traditional adventure gameplay, puzzle solving and boss battles instead of merely driving around performing tasks? Even better.

Pity the whole thing was probably cancelled, it seems like a much better use of Kinect than Kinect Sports and a better Banjo Kazooie game that Nuts and Bolts ever was.

What do you think? Would this type of game have brought Rare back from the brink and been better than just a Wii Sports clone?
If you really were able to use traditional controls, it sounds like it would be a pretty decent game. It would be a nightmare having to Kinect through the whole thing...
Rare is really no longer the company it once was. I miss the Quirky Adventure Platformers by rare that defined the N64. Banjo Threeie would have been the greatest Gamecube game ever!