Raspberry Pi $35 Micro-computer Still Selling Great


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The UK designed Raspberry Pi $35 microcomputer, which has triggered all sorts of creative single board computing projects — most recently being repurposed as the heart of a DIY computer designed to help kids learn to code — continues to sell in far greater quantities than its creators ever imagined.
Sales of low cost, open source microcomputer have now passed 3.8 million, according to the Pi Foundation. And while that pales in comparison to sales of consumer electronic devices such as smartphones it’s a seriously impressive figure for a bare chunk of electronics, especially given the creators of Pi envisaged selling as few as 10,000 boards over its entire lifetime.
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It's good to see that the Raspberry Pi is still selling so well. I think one of the reasons for the high amount of sales is because the Pi is compatible with a lot of Linux operating systems, games, and software. More advance users can also hook up a camera, motors, and sound cards to add more features to the Pi.