Raspberry Pi PiPhone Smartphone made from $35 mini PC.


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Working smartphone based on Raspberry Pi, Adafruit PiTFT touchscreen display, and a SIM900 GSM/GPRS module. All suitably powered by a DC-DC conveyer and a Lithium Polymer battery. 

I bet this PiPhone gets good reception with that small antennae on the side of the phone. I wonder how is the battery life for this phone with the big battery on the bottom of the PiPhone.

If this Phone came with a case, I would use it as my main smartphone.
It's amazing what you can do.
Some people have too much time on their hands don't they? Whilst it is a genius idea, it could also be deadly with how fast it overheats  :thumbsup:

On a sidenote I so need to get myself a PI.
It can also be kind of dangerous holding this phone without a case protecting your skin from the battery's electricity since I bet the cell phone battery has a lot of power in it to power the Pi, Screen, and cell phone parts all at the same time.