Rayman Origins (PS Vita) 9.5/10

go away hernandez

Sentry goin' up.
Rayman Origins
PS Vita Version Review
by Skymin50

Now,I know what you're thinking.
But Skymin,this is a 3DS fourm!
Yeah,well,the PS Vita deserves love too.
It's a great system.I'm not naming every thing it does in THIS topic(yes,I will do a system review),but I'm doing a review on the PS Vita port of Rayman Origins.

So,let's get started.:
(NOTE:Since the story is the same as the console,I'm not gonna bother with it.I haven't beat the game anyways)


The gameplay is quite simple-it's a 2-d platformer.To resemble the first Rayman game,but to give it new twirks.
The controls while playing are simple,easy and good to use.You can use the analog stick to move,but if you REALLY wanna go old-school,then the D-Pad works fine too.
As far as platformers go,this one is one of the best.The controls are solid,and good to use.
Now,here comes the mind blow part...touch controls.

Ubisoft probally ported Origins to show how touch controls would work.And it works well.
In this port,you can touch the screen to pop bubbles of Lums or enemies.So if that one Lum bubble flies off,poke it quickly.The touch also works in the menus,but I prefer the D-pad and such.
You can't grab normal Lums or put enemies in the bubble form just by touching them,so be warned.

There's also ghost mode,where you can either race the game itself,or you can race people you share your ghost data with.It's a nice feature,and I really enjoy racing Ubisoft's team.
The game also gives more things to do than the console versions,such as collecting secret artifact thingies by touching them.The only bad part?NO MULTIPLAYER.Which is what made the console versions great.I mean,even local would've done the trick.But no,not even that.No multiplayer at ALL.
It's really disapointed.

Let me get this out right now:the graphics look AMAZING.
It's like playing on a console with the HDMI port.Looks friggin amazing,and has a much better look.
This is what made this port special,other than touch controls.It shows that the Vita can handle the power OF a PS3 with a HDMI port.
The character animation is fluid,and it overall just looks AMAZING.
This game has really good music in it.They're wonderfully made,and give that game that awesome feel.So this is another great part(though it's in the console versions.)

This port is the best port of Origins I've seen yet.If you're planning on buying a Vita,be sure to buy this version.Amazing graphics,helpful touch controls,it's great.If it had multiplayer,it'd be better.It's really disapointing it didn't..
Rayman Origins(Vita) gets a...
Get it as soon as you can.
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I understand doing a PS Vita System review, but I don't really see the point in posting this review on this forum unless you intend to also play the 3DS version and do a comparison review, focusing more on the 3DS version (I mean, this IS the Nintendo 3DS Community...)
would you recommend it over the PS3 version? I played the demo and was impressed.

I'm also curious to see how it looks on 3DS. I thought that'd be out by now. Surprised PSV version is.
Well then.That sounds interesting.

Whenever that comes out I guess I'll pick it up.

well I presume it's mostly a port of the same game?

Unless they've done an all-new version like what they did for Sonic Generations. I dunno. Might explain the delay.
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I completely regret not playing this game last year around its launch. This game is absolutely gorgeous, so much eye candy. The music is pretty top tier and just makes the game even more fantastic. I'm really glad I decided to give it a whirl on my Vita as well. I'll gladly buy the 3DS version.

When does the 3DS version come out?
March 16th for Europe and March 20th for North America.