Rayman Origins!!


And here we are!
Full GL Member
This game looks great, I just don't see why Rayman has to act so stupid in this one. In the other ones (not "raving rabbids") he was sarcastic and somewhat of a wisecraker. Anyway, this game looks great! Only for XBox, PS3, PC and Wii. I might get it for either PC or Wii (since they're the only two I have) I'm looking forward to playing this game. The only thing that worrys me, is that I haven't heard about Rayman Origins until now. Maybe it's not that popular. Also, this game better have co-op; playing as Globox (that teal-coloured toad) for the 1st time would be a dream!
Your thoughts on this game...?
Ironically, I started thinking about this as I browsed through Xbox Live today. "Wasn't it supposed to be out in December though?" was my thought...

Anyway, it seems pretty funny.... You don't punch enemies, you slap them silly. And I thought the introduction of Rayman was quite amusing (I've never seen him use his helicopter hair for THAT purpose!).

I can't wait for it!
Ironically, I started thinking about this as I browsed through Xbox Live today. "Wasn't it supposed to be out in December though?" was my thought...

Anyway, it seems pretty funny.... You don't punch enemies, you slap them silly. And I thought the introduction of Rayman was quite amusing (I've never seen him use his helicopter hair for THAT purpose!).

I can't wait for it!
The helicopter-hair always gets better, what is he anyways? A duck?
The intro was epic... and he's a vegetable? Glad to see the awesomeness is back after the rabbid only games...
If this as good as Rayman 3...