Razer acquires Ouya


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Gaming accessory maker Razer has acquired Android game console maker Ouya. Rumors had suggested Ouya was looking for a buyer, and recently we’d heard that Razer was close to reaching a deal to acquire the company.

Now investment bank Mesa Global has confirmed that the deal is done, with the bank acting as and advisor to Ouya during the sale.

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It is good that Ouya got bought by a gaming company like Razer instead of Amazon like Twitch which sold it self to Amazon.

Hopefully, Razer buying Ouya will convince more game makers release their games for the Ouya console instead of just the more popular consoles, PC, and mobile.
So it did happen, well hopefully something good comes from it.
Martin said:
Hoping the best for everyone here with this move, hopefully the Ouya can become a more successful console.
I hope Ouya, and its workers can be more successful as well. I hope Razer's Android TV micro-console would now use the Ouya's games store as well since all the games on the Ouya's game store work with a gamepad controller.
It's funny to me that anybody would put any money into that failure of a platform, hahaha.
Well, I guess the Ouya has unrealised potential. I don't see it, but hey. If they can make it a worthwhile platform and save the platform, I won't complain.