Razer Has Entered Gaming Handhelds...


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I wonder if Razer will also make exclusive games for its handheld. The handheld looks nice.
I wonder if Razer will also make exclusive games for its handheld. The handheld looks nice.

It will need really good exclusive games to sell well. The games are always the determining factor.
I find it curious that companies are investing in handheld technology, but I'm excited to see where it can lead.
It will need really good exclusive games to sell well. The games are always the determining factor.

I agree great exclusive can make a console sell well, and get a lot of news posts on blogs, TV news, and word of mouth. Affordable or free online multiplayer, and nice downloadable game giveaways can also convenience some buyers to buy the console.
It would take quite a bit for another handheld console to pull me away from my Nintendo Switch.
I feel the price of Razer's handheld needs to be more affordable, and has good features like a fast CPU, 8 to 16GB RAM, video chip, and 500 GB storage since a lot of people don't have a lot of money to spend on entertainment, toys, and gaming devices.
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I agree. think that's the biggest problem with this kind of technology! You have to find the balance between having good quality and good hardware and at the same time offering something that's affordable. That's definetely the biggest challenge for these products.
Meh, this will simply come out and be forgotten about, like all the others.

I agree it maybe forgotten like most alternative game consoles. Razer's handheld may have a fanbase in countries like South Korea where PC and mobile gaming is very popular.

I bet, Razer's handheld may sell out like most game consoles because Razer can't make as many handhelds for all buyers who want one because the microchip shortage may still exists for many months longer. The Switch, PS5 and Xbox Series X game console shortages may help Razer's handheld get a few more buyers because there are not as many consoles in stock at local stores, and online if the console shortages still exist in 2022 to 2023.

Razer's Gaming computers are expensive, so Razer selling a more affordable handheld console may help Razer get more buyers because they can afford a cheaper handheld console.