Razer's Forge TV Android game console wins People's Choice Award for Best of CES 2015


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The people have spoken, and Razer's Forge TV is the People's Choice winner for Best of CES 2015! It was a close call, however, as it won with only 16.13 percent of the vote -- the AirDog drone came in second at 14.62 percent and the Misfit Bolt clocked in at third with 11.96 percent. 

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Impressive that Razer's Forge TV was able to win People's choice at CES 2015.
The Razer Forge TV is also a settop streaming box like the Chromecast, and Amazon Fire TV, but it has full Google Android support, so you don't need another device like the Chromecast to stream Netflix, YouTube, and Hulu to a TV, and it is not limited to the Chromecast and Amazon App store which has less apps than the Google Play App store.

Forge TV can also play Android games, and has an app for streaming PC Games from a Gaming PC to the Razer Forge TV to play games on the TV with a controller.

It also use less electricity than consoles like the PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U.
Everything may have streaming ability, but a lot of the streaming Apps like YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu are sometimes very outdated because the App makers spends most of their time adding new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements to their Apple iOS and Google Play Streaming apps instead of less popular operating systems like Windows 8, and devices like Xbox One because Apple and Google both have the most people using their apps.
In Windows 8 App Store, the YouTube apps are made by Independent App Makers who don't work for YouTube, and have no relationship with YouTube Google. Google does not have a YouTube App for Windows Phone, Windows 8, Blackberry, and below because not a lot of people use these operating systems.

The YouTube app is also not available on the Amazon App store because YouTube does not want to publish their app on the Amazon App store, so the YouTube apps are made by independent app makers who don't work for YouTube.

Sometimes the official site does not update their app for less popular devices like Windows Phone, Xbox One, etc because they are too busy working on adding new features to their Apple iOS App, and Google Android App which has millions more users. 
I think a lot of app makers make clones of the original app like YouTube, Instagram, etc because they can make money off of ads, or promote their own videos and channel inside of their own apps where they make money from Adsense ads inside of videos, and also many subscribers from their app.

YouTube and other sites also may not care or can't control that some app maker are making unofficial apps of YouTube. YouTube probably get a lot of views and ad-click money from unofficial YouTube apps, and services which embed YouTube videos, so YouTube can charge more money for ads because of the high view counts on videos, and the many ad-clicks from third-party YouTube apps.