Writing Reading and taking notes to start writing


If you want to start writing so all what you need to is taking notes while reading something like audiobook, classic book or e-books.
You are not required to rewrite all book pages but getting the headlines will be a good initiative.
For each page try to figure out the most interesting keywords or ideas.
Try to re write the same story but by changing a little in the details and also there is an important step to do.
You should not only be limited to read what you write yourself but give your paper note to someone relative or a friend and focus if he could understand what you are trying to say.
By this way you could even try to write another story in the same context and if you fail, then it is not the end of the world.
Retry later again and again will improve your quality of writing.
Do not use artificial intelligence to rephrase your word as it could change totally the sense of writing as well people could not sometimes understand you if you use Quillbot because AI has his bad side.
When you take notes of the things you've read, you can be able to look at how good you can read the summary again without going back to read the main book.
When you take notes of the things you've read, you can be able to look at how good you can read the summary again without going back to read the main book.
I agree with this! Similar to Cliff Notes or just a Synopsis. Plus I like to make additional notes of what I thought of while reading, if I think the book could've added or subtracted more to these pages.
I agree with this! Similar to Cliff Notes or just a Synopsis. Plus I like to make additional notes of what I thought of while reading, if I think the book could've added or subtracted more to these pages.

Keeping such notes is great. Adding what you think that was missing from the book will help you understand more about the book.
Keeping such notes is great. Adding what you think that was missing from the book will help you understand more about the book.
30 Rock Yes GIF by ADWEEK

I completely agree! Taking notes while reading a book is an excellent way to retain information and gain a deeper understanding of the material. Noting down your own thoughts and ideas on what may be missing from the book can also help you engage with the text on a more personal level.
30 Rock Yes GIF by ADWEEK

I completely agree! Taking notes while reading a book is an excellent way to retain information and gain a deeper understanding of the material. Noting down your own thoughts and ideas on what may be missing from the book can also help you engage with the text on a more personal level.

Exactly the point. It can be a difficult task going back to the book to check for those key points, if you didn't keep notes.