Reading Is Fundamental


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We know it as RIF for short. Who remembers these from school? They seem to be still around. I don't have kids so maybe parents can answer if their child's school offers this. What do you think about it? Their website for more info.
I have heard at some schools they really push their kiddos to read as much as possible. Like, if the children reach a certain goal within the deadline, then they get to throw a pie in the face of the principal or the principal will dress up or something like that. They get to do something fun when they reach their goal is the whole point.

I don't know if it's a part of this or not....
I have heard at some schools they really push their kiddos to read as much as possible. Like, if the children reach a certain goal within the deadline, then they get to throw a pie in the face of the principal or the principal will dress up or something like that. They get to do something fun when they reach their goal is the whole point.

I don't know if it's a part of this or not....

There are such reading goals.
I don't remember there being such things at my school. I mean, we had the scholastic book fair that came by periodically. We also had where you could order books from a little magazine/pamplet each month.
WitchAssassin WitchAssassin Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith I remember RIF helping to encourage us kids to get involved in reading. They made it fun & interesting. I'm not sure if our schools had a pie in the face but I do remember teachers & maybe the principal having to do something silly as our reward.