Real Life Yandere


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Have you guys heard about the news in Japan about a girl stabbing her crush almost to death just because she loves him? She was found an anime fan and a cosplayer, she became famous after that incident because of how beautiful she was and how she mostly cosplayed yandere.


I don't know why some anime fans are romanticizing this real-life incident. I mean it's a real murder case that no one should adore nor love her for that. It's disturbing to see comments like that. I think she has a mental issue that needs to be addressed by their government and do not blame anime for it.

For those who don't know yet: (WARNING: blood and disturbing scene)
Like what Sherlock Holmes said, love is a vicious motivator.
I don’t find her very attractive tbh.

I’m not sure how many people are actually serious about those memes. Plenty of it seems like they’re taking a piss out of the situation because yandere was a fictional trope, so seeing it irl makes it entertaining.
Oh my god.
I really don't want to be anywhere near her at all and I thought yandere was just a term.