Really, REALLY Bad Dream..

nope, never had a really bad nightmare. this is mostly thanks to my dream catcher I believe.

QUOTE It brought back a lot of the terrifying feelings I had when the same thing happened to me 15 years ago.

maybe you should seek some sleep therapy?
I've had some pretty scary recurring dreams. The one that's most memorable is one I've been having since I was a kid. I haven't had it in awhile though. In the dream my family is playing hide and seek with the devil and if he finds you he killed you. The whole time I'm behind a rocking chair watching my family get found. Always freaked me out as a kid because it was so vivid.
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ January 09, 2010 06:37 pm) QUOTE It brought back a lot of the terrifying feelings I had when the same thing happened to me 15 years ago.

maybe you should seek some sleep therapy?
Perhaps, as well as take some kind of self-defense course, so that I would be prepared to handle it, should it happen again.
The recurring dream that I had that freaked me out the most when I was a kid was that there was this old lady that lived in our neighborhood and she was kinda creepy. Everyday she came out to a rocking chair in her front yard and watched us play. One night I had this dream that my family was calling me and I went running to them and all of a sudden a giant puddle came out of nowhere and I tried jumping it and felled down to it like if it was a pool and all of a gigantic face comes out and turns out its her and then her face turns to a demon an eats me. I woke up sweaty, crying, screaming and disoriented. I had that dream for 8 days straight until my mother took me to therapy for 2 months.

The thing is that same year she died. Weird huh!
Not really, in my family, dreaming about marriage, or pregnancy always meant death.. especially to my great-grandmother as her dreams meant that opposite. Before my uncle was killed back in 1992, she dreamt that my mother was getting married to a faceless groom. She begged my uncle not to leave, and he kept saying that he had to go. He left, and later on at 2:30am we got a phone saying that he had been killed.

Before my great-grandmother died, I dreamt that my fiance and I got married. I was freaked out, but later on that day, I had to go to the nursing home because there was paperwork that needed to be filled out. Anyway, everytime I asked her for her SSN, she kept giving me her number with a 'D' at the end of it. I kept telling her that I needed her number, and that there was no letter in her SSN, unless you were deceased, and I asked her if she might have been giving me her husband's by mistake. She kept saying that it was her SSN, and that there was a 'D' at the end of it. So I didn't ask her anything else, and asked the social worker to bring me her file, and found out that she gave me the right number.

I thought it was odd, but didn't think much about it.. I mean, she was 93 years old. We stayed later than usual that day, and before we left, she said to me to take care of my fiance.. and she told him to take care of me, and that she loved us both. It was odd, that she said that, in those words when she never said it when we were leaving before. We just smiled, told her we loved her and gave her a kiss and hug and left. Later on, we are talking about these odd coincidences, and suddenly when we were on the block where this funeral home,

I got a bad feeling. for some reason, it gave me the creeps.. and I had a bad feeling that I just could not shake. I never had this feeling before as I have walked past this place many times before, day or night. I got this eerie feeling and suddenly became upset for no reason. I just wanted to get out of there. My fiance tried taking my mind off of it, by talking to me as we walked past, but I could not shake the feeling, or get the odd coincidences off of my mind. So we went home, and went to sleep. The next day, I got a phone call from the Nursing home informing me that my great-grandmother had a heart attack, and was on her way to the hospital. She later died when she went into cardiac arrest, and they could not revive her, the next morning.

Anyway, anytime she, or my mom dreamt of pregnancy or marriage, it meant that there was going to be a death in the family.. and each time it happened, there was a death in the family. And so, before I had this dream about the stalker, I dreamt that it was my wedding day, and I was getting married to Commander Riker from Star Trek. I tried like hell, and could not say "I don't." I had no choice but to say "I do," but didn't want to because my fiancé was not the groom, and was no where to be found. I ran away and left the groom at the alter before the preacher pronounced us man and wife. My cell phone woke me up at that moment and it was my fiancé.

He thought it was hilarious, and in hindsight, it was. However, I had the feeling that there would be a death, because now, this was the second dream that had a mention of marriage, and anytime I had dreams about marriage, or a pregnancy, it meant death. I have dreamt 3 nights in one week that I was pregnant, and I ended up having 3 deaths in the family that same week. I know that there are other interpretations for dreaming about these things, and I have read them, and I am aware that they may mean nothing at all. However, in my family, dreams have always meant the opposite. And dreaming about these things has always meant death, and shortly after dreaming about it, whether it was my mother, myself, or my great-grandmother, it was known that a death was going to happen in the family and every time, a death has occurred.

Anyway, I'd love to say that there was an exception in this case, but there wasn't. As yesterday, I found out from my mother that my Aunt Bea, had a heart attack in church, and they couldn't revive her, and she died.
When I was really young I had a creepy recurring dream where my clown bank would glow and laugh and there was green mist everywhere. It was wierd, but I don't get that anymore. Perhaps it has something to do with the bank being broken and discarded.

Another dream I had when I was younger, I had this dream that a girl spit in my mouth. I was very creeped out by this dream, the same day Cher's song "Love after love" ( or whatever it's called) had been released on the radio and went on a couple of times and every time I heard the song it immedietly reminded me of that dream. To this day I cannot stand that song.

Another dream I had a couple of days ago, my grandma was forcing me to drink ciggarette flavored liqour. The very idea makes me sick ot my stomach.
I actually had a dream that myself and my parents were in a car, my mom was driving and she arrived at a dead end of grass. She tried to go through it but turned out to be a very overgrown lake so the car dived right into it and sank =/ I tried to diving in to help but I just remember not being able to see anything, etc. It was damn scary >