Reason Nintendo Didn't Announce Many 3DS Games At E3


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Nintendo 3DS dominated much of the conversation during E3 2010 and Nintendo happily touted the massive number of third-party games in development for the device, from Kingdom Hearts to Metal Gear Solid. Besides Kid Icarus: Uprising, Nintendo made no formal commitments to 3DS games at their press conference and only confirmed a handful of others later. Nintendo’s explained why.

During a Q&A session with analysts, one asked whether Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid signaled 3DS would be targeted to an older demographic, leaving behind Pokemon other franchises behind.

“In terms of our own internal software development,” explained Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, “we will be devoting much of our resources to support Nintendo 3DS. From our historical perspective, since we thought it is obvious that first-party software lineup needs to support the new platform to expand its installed base, we did not emphasize that in our [E3] presentation. We will of course introduce quality first-party software.”

Nintendo did show enhanced ports of Star Fox 64 and Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and new versions of Mario Kart and PilotWings. The focus at E3, however, was clearly not on 3DS software.

“Our internal teams,” he continued, “which have created series titles supported by Nintendo fans, are now beginning their work on development, very excited about the various types of things that they’re going to be able to achieve.”

Nintendo has promised 3DS will launch in “major markets” (read: North America, Europe, Japan) by March 2011. That doesn’t leave then much time to get their games together!


I'm very excited at the 3DS's game library and I believe more classics are on the way.
I thought that the amount of games they announced is perfect, I don't want to many games because I won't have enough money. >_>