recover hard drive?

It depends on your operating system, if you are upgrading to Windows 7, All your files in your initial hard drive are automatically gone to your second Hard drive. is a free program which can recover files which you deleted, or quick formatted a drive, but it can't recover full format on drives, or if the file is overwritten after it got deleted.

Not all files are recoverable once deleted, and recover files may be damaged if over written.

It is best to backup your hard drive before you format your drive.
It depends on whether or not you used quick format vs the regular and whther or not you started writing to the hard drive after you formatted it.

If you quick formatted and have used it since then, then there is a very good chance you can recover usable data, but if you did a regular format, and started using the hdd again, then recovery might be possible, however, there is a very good chance that your recovered data might not be usable at all.

I used to use File Scavenger religiously to recover hdds I had to format because of the hdd I used for file storage being corrupted. What I would do is quick format the hdd and then run File Scavenger on it by doing an exhaustive search by file extension for the most important files and recover the ones by their original location, to a separate hdd. (If FS is installed on the C:, and I formatted the D: then, my file recovery directory would be on the C: (or a separate hdd "E:" if i had 3, which, I did..) so that, I didn't overwrite or corrupt the files I am trying to recover from the formatted D: drive.

Once I have gotten all of my files back, and they were in working order, I formatted the D: once again this time with a FULL format and then I moved the recovered files to D: once again. I have done this so many times it isn't funny. It was how I was able to recover my downloads, pics, text files, documents, music and videos.. when I my hdd started to go bad. I have also used this on my thumb drives and SD cards when they've started to go bad.

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Always there is a chance to recover some part of the files until it has been re-indexed.