

Mori Hater
I found this post after I was on a topic about War (Darksiders) vs. Kratos (God of War). I said that Kratos is a god (I am Atheist by the way) so he would win. then this close minded son of a bitch asshole that is religious who thinks he knows everything stated this:

"You cannot form an argument based on their titles, especially when it has been established that:

Olympian Gods =/= The REAL God
Therefore Olympian God is not > Horseman of Apocalypse

So to reiterate:

Olympian Gods were the product of hallucinations and delusions of mentally ill people in ancient Greece and through ignorance and a general inability of the population to think critically these hallucinations and delusions spread throughout the Greece territories. So what was once hallucinations and delusions of a few formed the basis of the religious beliefs of their society, which in my opinion, is pitiful when you take into consideration the amount of time and energy these otherwise intelligent people invested into the worship of things that did not exist.

God is our Lord and Saviour, we know he is our Lord and Saviour because his son Jesus told us so. Oh and BTW I'm so glad Jesus came and told us about his daddy because we would all burn in Hell otherwise for not believing in him (because we wouldn't have known about him, man I feel sorry for people before Jesus came along, they're all in Hell because they didn't believe in a Creator they didn't know existed) and I'm so glad Jesus sacrificed himself for my sins, I mean it's one thing to die for someone you don't know but to die for someone who won't be born for over 1900 years take a lot of Love."

This guy is good reason why I hate religion. I could care less if you believe in god, but when you get like this, all you are is close minded and a total dick.

If you want to read the general "arguement" follow this link: The argument.

So what do you think of religion? I hate it, but I don't care if you believe in god; either believe or not; don't be like this dude.
I believe there is a god, somewhere at there. . .
How can someone burn in something that wasn't even suggested at the time? Crazy. Anyway, religion is a load of nonsense. Using an ancient book by some random weirdos who took too many hallucinagenics to guide your life is silly, especially when it contains all sorts of 'sins'.
Religion is really man's way of dealing with the unexplainable. We feel that we have to be able to know everything and explain everything, so we create "God" and religions to tell a story about how we are born and what happens after we die.

And then they just got carried away with religions and started making them mandatory because people began to get power hungry and scared. So now if you dont believe this or that, you're going to hell.

I don't know what I believe because I don't really care about how humans were created and what happens to us after we die. I just go with life. Id rather live the life I was given than to spend it worrying about death and worshiping something/someone that we don't even know exists.

Besides, I don't think we were put here to worship and higher being. We were put here to simply be here and take up space.
@Dynasty Your being just as close minded as they are; see where they are coming from with their point of view. Don't turn into them.
@Froggy Actually, being gay is not a sin, they just find it unnatural; nothing bad is said towards them. I agree with that because the general nature is being straight, but i don't care if someone is gay; it's your life. They don't, though, like gay marriage, and I DON'T agree with that. Who are we to say that two people that love each other can't get married.
@Reiko All I can say is that is something that I agree completely with.