Report: Windows 10 Will Be Sold on an USB Flash Drive


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According to information allegedly obtained by German news site WinFuture, some retail versions of Windows 10 will be sold on preloaded USB flash drives.

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I hope there will still be Windows 10 install Disc version instead of just a USB Flash Drives with Windows 10 on them. I prefer discs since sometimes the metal plug on a USB Flash drive can break off, and the files stored on USB Flash drives become corrupt/lost because of a disk error, or the memory chips, and other parts on a USB flash drive failed. I think USB Flash drives can also get damaged because of a power surge or spike from a USB port on a PC.
discs are just as risky as they can be lost, scratched up and just as easily broken.
Demon_Skeith said:
discs are just as risky as they can be lost, scratched up and just as easily broken.
It is pretty easy to make a backup of a Disc with a program like ImgBurn which saves the Disc to an ISO file which you can use to burn more discs to DVD-R, or CD-R. If you lost the disc, and did not make an ISO, sometimes you can contact the seller of the Disc, or Microsoft to see if they have a download link for the ISO file for Windows. But, if you lost your Windows Serial Key, you may need to buy another key if you can't find the key,

Sometimes, if the disc is not too scratched up, you can use a scratch remover disc machine or kit to polish the scratch off the disc.

Using a banana to polish a disc can sometimes make the disc work again.

I think Discs are better for tasks like installing Windows since a lot of people just install Windows once, and rarely use the disc again unless their computer hard drive breaks, or Windows got messed up by a virus, and need to be reinstalled, so there is not really a need for a more expensive USB Flash drive which may make Windows cost $10 more if MS used a higher quality 8GB Flash drive for Windows.