Researchers May Have Figured Out How to Get Your Clothes to Charge Your Electronics


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Professors DavidHarrison and JohnFyson, Dr.YanmengXu, Dr. Fulian Qiu and Ruirong Zhang of Brunel’s Department of Design have patented breakthrough that make it possible for thread to store and supplying enough power for common devices.

“Supercapacitors are already ubiquitous as back-up power in phones, PCs and tablets.

“They store energy without a chemical reaction so can be charged and discharged almost indefinitely. But in thread form they have never before been able to break the 1V barrier,” says Harrison.

The team demonstrated that it can produce a multi-layered structure with two sequential capacitive layers capable of producing up to 2V, which is important since the voltage of common batteries is 1.5V.

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This is great news for people who always forget to charge their electronics, or don't have a source of reliable power like a power outlet, or extra batteries.
considering I get static shock from my long sleeve clothing, I can see this happening.