PlayStation Resident Evil 7


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It was revealed tonight at Sony's E3 conference, it will becoming to VR as well. Sometime tonight the demo will be out on PSN.

The game is due out on January 24, 2017, delays pending.
Looks interesting. Not sure what to think. From a horror fan perspective this looks excellent. As a Resident Evil fan, they've hit atmosphere on the head finally, but its very different from what we are used to. Will there be guns? who are we playing as? more questions than answers right now.
Looks interesting. Not sure what to think. From a horror fan perspective this looks excellent. As a Resident Evil fan, they've hit atmosphere on the head finally, but its very different from what we are used to. Will there be guns? who are we playing as? more questions than answers right now.

That is very true what you said about it being different. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was RE4 that started the whole over the shoulder third person view for the series. Now it's just 1st person from what we can tell. Then again, there may be an option for third person when the game is actually released, but I don't know. The atmosphere as you stated along with the flow of how the demo plays, maybe 1st person might work pretty well for this.

Then again it's like you said though. It brings up more questions than anything. Just going by the trailer alone. Will there be zombies or infected? The whole, "Biohazard" thing makes me wonder if it'll be either honestly. Will most of the game take place around the premises of the house or will you actually go out and explore a town or a city? Can't say right now, but all in all it does look interesting.
That is very true what you said about it being different. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was RE4 that started the whole over the shoulder third person view for the series. Now it's just 1st person from what we can tell. Then again, there may be an option for third person when the game is actually released, but I don't know. The atmosphere as you stated along with the flow of how the demo plays, maybe 1st person might work pretty well for this.

Then again it's like you said though. It brings up more questions than anything. Just going by the trailer alone. Will there be zombies or infected? The whole, "Biohazard" thing makes me wonder if it'll be either honestly. Will most of the game take place around the premises of the house or will you actually go out and explore a town or a city? Can't say right now, but all in all it does look interesting.
Yeah RE4 started over the shoulder. I'm all for trying first person, don't think there will be a third person option in it though. They said it will be a relatively small area - think the REmake scale.
Then again it's like you said though. It brings up more questions than anything. Just going by the trailer alone. Will there be zombies or infected? The whole, "Biohazard" thing makes me wonder if it'll be either honestly. Will most of the game take place around the premises of the house or will you actually go out and explore a town or a city? Can't say right now, but all in all it does look interesting.

I think that the trailer was pretty dull, it did not really give me a clue as to what this game really has in store. It does look interesting, and I look forward to using a VR for this game because thinking about it now it's a change to video games, or certain brand games when wearing VR.
I think that the trailer was pretty dull, it did not really give me a clue as to what this game really has in store. It does look interesting, and I look forward to using a VR for this game because thinking about it now it's a change to video games, or certain brand games when wearing VR.
It was a strange choice for a trailer (and demo) the trailer was for the demo, and the demo itself isn't part of the final game and misses out on many features that Resident Evil games have (and will also be in 7) like combat, herbs and inventory management. They definitely could have made the reveal more exciting. As Resident Evil is my favorite game series I am definitely looking forward to it regardless.