Restaurants waste too much food


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So me and some friends head out to eat last night and we went to a restaurant name champs, it's a good restaurant full of good food and stuff but they bring out too much food. Two of my friends both ordered nachos, and what do they bring out? Two heaping plates (and I mean heaping full) of nachos that everyone in my group could have just eaten from and gotten full and there still would have been a good amount of left overs.

But this restaurant isn't the only one, I've seen many restaurants bring out a lot of food that with no doubt goes to waste.

So do you think restaurants waste too much food, and if so how do you think they can cut back on wasting it?
Yes, especially buffet "all you can eat" restaurants since they keep pumping out food . I just order a smaller meal if I don't plan to eat so much, but nicer restaurants don't usually have small,medium, and large meals which they should have like fast food restaurants.
I think consumers need to demand smaller portion size since I notice most restaurants only have one size for each meal.