RIP Katie.


Mori Hater
I hope you had a good one Katie. I won't pray for personal beliefs, but I am still sad for her death. Though I did not know her too well, she was a Junior at my high school, and did not go to school this year. Her Make a Wish was to meet Tom Brady, and for that I feel jealous. :) For if she was a believer of god, I hope your afterlife perception came true, and I hope you continue to HAVE a good one. Requiescat in pace.
This is very touching to me because we had someone else a while back who had a fight with cancer that lasted years... And, he got to graduate in December, and he died right after.

We don't really realize how lucky we are until we are all affected by one person's death, it's so weird. I hope Katie's friends, family, and peers are all doing good...
We don't really realize how lucky we are until we are all affected by one person's death, it's so weird. I hope Katie's friends, family, and peers are all doing good...
Actually, I do feel lucky. I would hate to have cancer. The only remotely good bright side of it is the Make a Wish.
I forgot to mention in the picture of her with Tom Brady, she was wearing his Super Bowl rings! I am very jealous now. :P