Rise of the Tomb Raider


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The next game in the Tomb Raider series has been revealed to come out in 2015. For now it's confirmed to be on Xbox One but other platforms are sure to be announced soon. Gamingforce will report when it's revealed.
This game trailer looks excellent! As a fan of Tomb Raider I have to say I wasn't very happy with the last game. This game seems to bring back the roots of a good Tomb Raider game. I can't wait to see more about this game.
LukeDerusha said:
This game trailer looks excellent! As a fan of Tomb Raider I have to say I wasn't very happy with the last game. This game seems to bring back the roots of a good Tomb Raider game. I can't wait to see more about this game.
I agree! I wouldn't have a problem with adding angst to modernize classic, archetypal, recognizable and above all fun characters in gaming if it wasn't so overwhelmingly common. I was sad to see sassy, classy, ready-for-anything Lara Croft go from the genderswapped combination of James Bond and Indiana Jones to a little girl who cries all the time. (Even though, if I were in her situation, I'd cry too.)

Still, the graphics are the best that they've ever been, and I am a slave to pretty graphics. And I like the potential she has for growing back into the Lara Croft we all knew and loved.

Then again, trailers are only that... the only thing for it is to play the game through and see if the attitudes of the developers of the previous game continue to ruin the character or take a turn for truly developing her into one who has earned her awesomeness.
I've never played any of the previous Lara Croft games except for the last Tomb Raider and surprisingly I did like it. I've seen mixed responses to the game everywhere but that's true of any game I guess. It was a new experience to play as a modern, female character for the first time. And the graphics was pretty good too. People with both a low end graphic system and high end ones would really appreciate how well it performs even on the low-end models. I've heard appraises for the game from more than a few friends for how good the game graphics and details played out on their mid to low range graphic cards. And yes the story was not bad either! I'm eagerly waiting for the sequel now hoping for it to better the previous one.
I'll most likely be buying on PC under any circumstances, but that's only all the more reason for me to hope it doesn't get a last-gen port. Over the past year I spec'd out my PC to make sure it's ready for next-gen, and right now that's not looking to pay off any time soon. That being said, the original Tomb Raider looks pretty great on PC, so I'll probably be happy with the next game if it looks any better at all. It would just be nice to see it really pump all the graphical prowess out of my PC instead of merely look good enough.
I like the Tomb Raider series. I really enjoyed the new Tomb Raider (2013) and Tomb Raider: Legends and I would love to see another title in the series. I saw this at the E3 stream and the trailer looks solid. I am looking forward to it and I hope the developers don't turn this into a mess like some developers have been doing to their hyped games.
I think it's a bit too soon to announce the game, especially when the last one launched in 2013. I really hope that they are not rushing this title. Square Enix is already in deep trouble. The last thing they need is a bad game to sink them deeper.