Riveting Review Examples!

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Tried to do some alliteration there but failed. Meh. Thought I'd make a topic and pin it to showcase some of our best reviews for inspiration! Read 'em and get pointers on how to present your content and how to make them all sparkly and smell like fresh pine!

I'll update this list as new, good reviews come along. I've picked a few recent ones as examples, but I might go through some older ones too.

NintenDan[*]Mighty Switch Force!
  • A newer, better review by me. I made little banner images to make section finding somewhat easier and match the graphic style of the game, and included the standard images and YouTube video

  • Super Mario 3D Land
    Almost what I'd call a mega-review. Nin's reviews are generally pretty chock-a-block of content and is often a bit thought provoking too, with a few comparisons to other games to really get you thinking (or disagreeing and fuming in anger, haha. Sorry Nin!)

  • Paper Mario: Sticker Star
    A really good use of images and great explanations, often referring back to the images within the text to make it easier to understand particular concepts. Note the part that explains "Things"

  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
    Structured interestingly and steps away from a traditional review. Keeps you on your toes and is engaging. Note the use of a simple font colour to make things point out?

  • Kirby's Dream Collection
    A review that covers all bases. Very in-depth with the odd joke sprinkled throughout. A very informative review

  • Lego Lord of the Rings 3DS
    A review that goes to show that content really is king. No images or fancy pants stuff here, it just does the job of telling you what the game is about. So now you've got no excuse not to write a review of your own!

  • Kingdom Hearts - Dream Drop Distance
    This is a great example of a review that gives you the end verdict right at the start with an interesting pros and cons section. It just sticks to the basics and talks about the game. It isn't split into sections but is structured in such a way that it just flows and is easy to be read. Short and sweet!
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