Robot arm which can throw balls into a basketball hoop, throw and sort items, and play darts accurat


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This video is a demonstration of the new shooting capabilities of a universal jamming gripper that also utilizes positive pressure. The benefits of this approach are described in our recent IEEE Transactions on Robotics paper.

This research is a collaboration between our lab at Cornell and the lab of Heinrich Jaeger at the University of Chicago.

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I notice the arm uses some sort of a inflatable ball as a hand, and is very accurate when throwing the ball into the tiny basketball hoop, and playing darts with all the darts landing in the center of the dart board.

It is also pretty good at sorting the springs from the bolts, and throwing them into the right box. If I had a lot of cash, I might use this robotic arm to sort my recyclable and non-recyclable garbage, and to sort the stuff on my floor and table into organized boxes.
hhehehe robots are funny...