Rockstar Explains why GTA V is Current Gen


Mori Hater
(The forum is acting properly for me right now, so I'm just going to write a quick summary. Read more at the link.)

Rockstar explained that they wanted to make V for the current gen because they got used to the HD development, and it is easy for them to make a game now, rather than on new tech.


I'm glad it's this gen to be honest; I want a GTA to eclipse the huge pile of shit GTA IV was.
Yup - bring back San Andreas style!

They've also confirmed there is no PC development for a while at least - source

At least they'll probably do PC some time down the track though.
It's current gen because that's all that is out. Wii U is next gen but still at current gen power.
If it is easy for them to make then why did it take 5yrs to make a sequel?

Or one or two generations down from there.
Wii U capabilities are stronger than the PS3/360. And they had other projects at they were working on... All better than GTA. :P Red Dead, LA Noire, Max Payne 3.