Roller Coaster Tycoon


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Does anyone remember playing this game on their PC? Do you still play it if you have it? I remember I use to play this game for hours and hours building awesome theme parks and then destroying it all by making roller coasters crash or drowning the people :D
Sadly I don't have the game anymore though.
You can get it on Steam, I believe. I'm looking forward to the new one coming out.
I love RCT & RCT2. Didn't care for the 3rd one because I don't like the game in 3D.

I actually stopped playing a lot of PC games once they made that change. Only played the first Sims, didn't like Sims 2 in 3D. Tried playing Age of Empires III but didn't like the 3D at all so I stuck with AoE II. Also didn't bother with Zoo Tycoon after the 1st one.

I'm much more interested in the new one since they've updated it's graphics since the announcement debacle, because it looked baaaaaaaaad. Like, Zoo Tycoon 2 graphics bad- which isn't to say they looked awful, but certainly not up today's standards in the slightest. I played the first game when I was a kid, we had a ripped disc version from one of my dad's friends. It was alright, but I was way more interested in Zoo Tycoon, and the Zoo Tycoon 2. But, seeing as they don't make Zoo Tycoon anymore... :/ I may have to give this one a try.
I played Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 all the time. I absolutely loved it. Though I was horrible at it.
I'm much more interested in the new one since they've updated it's graphics since the announcement debacle, because it looked baaaaaaaaad. Like, Zoo Tycoon 2 graphics bad- which isn't to say they looked awful, but certainly not up today's standards in the slightest. I played the first game when I was a kid, we had a ripped disc version from one of my dad's friends. It was alright, but I was way more interested in Zoo Tycoon, and the Zoo Tycoon 2. But, seeing as they don't make Zoo Tycoon anymore... :/ I may have to give this one a try.


Although it is a Kinect game and I don't believe it plays like the original games.


Although it is a Kinect game and I don't believe it plays like the original games.
Yeah.... I'll never forgive Microsoft for finally putting out a new Zoo Tycoon after ten years and making it a stupid Xbox One only game, especially when it was PC game for it's entire existance. Like anyone in the Zoo Tycoon community was going to buy an Xbox JUST to play this piece of junk, unless they'd already intended to get the console. Asshats.