Tom's Hardware originally reported that 40 cargo boxes containing RTX 3090s were stolen this morning from an MSI factory in China. The stolen goods (which are valued at around $336,500) consist of roughly over 200 hard-to-find RTX 3090 graphics cards. For context, the MSRP for the RTX 3090 is around $1,500 but due to the low stock and high demand, we've seen them being sold for well over $2,000 on various auction sites.
RTX 3090 is an overpriced card with not good enough price to performance ratio imo only 10-20% faster than the RTX 3080 for US$ 1,499
while RTX 3080 is only US$ 699.
RTX 3080 and RTX 3070 are the new sexy lol
The RTX 3000 series currently got no support for smart VRAM access tech like the latest AMD cards though so Nvida fans better wait for it as Nvidia said
they are developing it for the RTX 3000 series.