Other Russia is Legalizing Video Game Piracy


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As reported by City A.M. and IGN, the Russian government is now allowing it companies to use IP from companies located in other countries without actually having to pay them. It's also been suggested that torrent sites will be unblocked to make it easier for Russian citizens to pirate content. Russian citizens will be able to pirate movies without needing to fear any kind of legal repercussions, and this would extend to other forms of entertainment as well, like video games and TV shows.

However, it's been reported by PlayStation Lifestyle that a sizable portion of Russian consumers tend to pirate content anyway, so it's unclear what effect this will really have. It's quite possible that Russians were pirating video games and other entertainment in the wake of the sanctions already, though now they will be able to do it without having to worry about potentially running into legal trouble.

As it stands, piracy is the only way that Russian gamers will be able to play new games for the foreseeable future, as pretty much every major video game company has suspended sales in the region.
Going down the route of China it seems by letting companies copies others without repurcssions. Will be interesting to see if there is any backlash over this but I guess right now, there are bigger priorities for the world.