Ryse: Son of Rome


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Today at Microsoft's Xbox conference, Ryse: Son of Rome was finally revealed. It's an Xbox One exclusive, it's under development at Crytek, and it looks awesome. It's an Xbox One launch title, so players will be able to pick it up this year.

The graphics are crisp and beautiful, the action gory and frantic. Ryse takes place in Roman times, and players will control a prolific Roman general who does battle with his enemies in the most violent ways possible. He wields his sword with incredible skill, and Ryse's action mixes up third-person hack-and-slash action with QTEs.

As the demo begins, the main character is tasked with taking a beachhead. Like Call of Duty and similar games, your character is surrounded by numerous NPCs also doing battle with the endless enemy horde. Arrows are falling from far-off archers and catapulted fireballs are destroying everything around the playable general as he advances up the beach, fending off anyone stupid enough to confront him. There's a lot of noise and the scene is hectic, as the boats that deposited the troops on the beach are left farther and farther in the background.

Eventually, our general starts to work more actively with his fellow soldiers to take out the archers that are raining down their arrows, and the violence continues. The action looks absolutely stunning, with third-person action perhaps most reminiscent of Sony's God of War, but taken in an entirely different, more realistic direction.


It did look good, I wonder if this is MS's attempt to try and get a GoW type game on Xbox.
It looked nice at the start... But once combat got going it turned into way too many quick time events to play. It was like block an enemy once with the shield, bash them with shield then press Y to actually initiate the kill combo, then press X at right time to actually kill them. 

And for massive fights I just can't see that being all that fun/effective. Especially since seeing the same half dozen pre-rendered scenes would get so dull so quickly.
VirusZero said:
It looked nice at the start... But once combat got going it turned into way too many quick time events to play. It was like block an enemy once with the shield, bash them with shield then press Y to actually initiate the kill combo, then press X at right time to actually kill them. 

And for massive fights I just can't see that being all that fun/effective. Especially since seeing the same half dozen pre-rendered scenes would get so dull so quickly.
I think (and hope) the repetitive QTEs were just placeholders and they just wanted to show people the impressive graphics of their game. If I remember correctly Ryse was first advertised as a Kinect game, so maybe the final version will feature lots of Kinect gestures instead of those QTEs. I was really looking forward to playing this, too bad I won't be getting an XBone  :ermm: .