Saints Row 2 free for a limited time


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Get it while it's free over at Steam - Saints Row 2 on Steam

Not sure when it'll get a price tag again, but you can register it to your Steam account and just let it sit. It's a free Steam game that you'll have to pay for at a later date, after all.
That's cool. Isn't this game like GTA? Also Saints Row The Third is also on sale for 2.49. I might pick up one or the other.
Love it. I do love some free games and finally there is a good one for free. Now if they would just make Chivalry Medieval Warfare free or GTA 5 I'm set.
I was lucky enough to get the free copy while it was. It's a great game, it's like an improved GTA San Andreas, although I would still prefer San Andreas. The sad part is, me and my friend couldn't play co-op because the servers are down. We tried to play co-op using external apps (I believe we used something called Evolution or something like that) but to no avail. Eventually, we just stopped trying.
Older games should be free in my opinion. I don't get how companies can charge for Quake 3 for like $10 when it was released in the early 2000s. I'm not surprised if it's 15+ years ago too. They shouldn't charge that much and should simply be included in bundles or as bonuses when people buy their newer games, as an incentive for nostalgia playing and all that. All old games should be free all the time. Not just for limited time offers. I won't pay even $5 for a 20 year old game.