Samsung and Oppo sued for loading their phones with Bloatware


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Samsung and Oppo sued for loading their phones with Bloatware by the Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Commission.
Bloatware is software that has unnecessary features and also uses large amounts of memory and RAM of the phone. The preloaded bloatware from the companies are often hard to uninstall or remove completely. Many of the apps preloaded are quite useless for some users and takes up the storage space without providing them any real utility.
The Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Commission conducted a study of 20 smartphones and they have found several phones that were sold with preloaded apps and many of them could not be removed. The Shanghai Daily has reported that some apps can even steal the personal data of the phone.
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Hopefully, this lawsuit will make devices we buy in the future not contain bloatware which very few people want.
I wonder how this will turn out?
Demon_Skeith said:
I wonder how this will turn out?
I think Samsung and Oppo will both end up paying millions of dollars to the Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Commission who sued them for loading bloatware, and both Samsung and Oppo will sell phones with less bloatware.
I hope they lose their cases... But even if they do, I don't think it'll change much unless everywhere starts demanding bloatware to be cut. And even if they pay millions to this group, it won't really help those afflicted with bloatware. (Unless this group is out there removing all that bloatware or developing/installing roms that remove it and give users a cleaner/faster/better experience.)

Ideally I'd like to see all phones completely unlocked and rooted from start with the option for users to install other roms or remove any apps they don't want. Give users the freedom to use the devices they paid for. Smartphones aren't so different than laptops and we don't have these absurd rules on laptops.